Originally delivered on 10/16/2020 11:17 am

SUBJECT: Jacqui's Family Letter | Oct. 16

October 16,  2020        

Dear Families,

I have been walking around the building and getting a bit teary. It makes sense that the idea of returning to school felt so overwhelming when we planned this summer but now the whole strange situation of Blended/Remote Covid/Pandemic Teaching/Learning, is beginning to make sense. There are three reasons for this:

  1. Staff: They are remarkable and know how to turn on a dime. Their flexibility of thinking and positive attitude has been the motor behind our work. I wish you could see them zooming through the hallways pushing their podiums that are outfitted with their laptops (some have 2) on computer stands, supply bags attached, water bottles perched, and weaving past one another to get into rooms! They are leaning into their screens while traveling, and saying hello to students who are already on, as they are leaving the elevators and entering classes! 

  2. Students: They are patient and ready to be ON. I can say that the majority of students get that this IS school, and the few who think the schedule is a menu of choices quickly learn that this is NOT the case. The day is shorter, more intense, and still something to manage. But your children are surprising us, themselves, and hopefully you too by their ability to adapt. 

  3. Families: You are helping by being supportive and kind. That is what we all need right now. We will not really exhale until June 25th. Every day is different. Every day holds the potential for something. We just never know exactly what that something will be. Knowing you are there, ready to help, ready with solutions and ideas makes a big difference.

Everyone has been readjusting their visions of school, not lamenting what is not, but celebrating what is. And quite honestly, what is the alternative?

BTW, we are beginning to plan some Community Building experiences. Everyone stay tuned!

6th grade families, this one is for you - The Class of 2023 Meet & Greet on Tuesday, October 20 at 3pm. We hope to see many of you and your students at this casual virtual get together. Click here to sign up.

And finally, a few notes:


Our expectation is for all students to have their cameras on for classes. I actually scared some sweet 8th graders when I leaned into a computer screen and STRONGLY explained that it was not a choice. Moving forward, we will only consider students present if they have their cameras ON. The only exception is a broken computer camera, in which case, let us know. 


Please remind your children that the schedule of classes is not a menu of choices. School starts at 8:30 and ends at 2:00. We are taking ATTENDANCE. We are eagerly waiting for and ready to teach your lovely middle school children. 


We will be announcing the dates next week. Your child’s advisor will schedule a 10 minute phone call with you. We will also send home some tips that will help you get organized with questions and topics for discussion. 


We have to do 108 fire drills this year, but before you faint let me explain: 

  • Each student must participate in 12 drills over the course of the year.
  • There are 3 grades, and 3 cohorts in each grade.
  • We conduct the fire drills for each grade separately.
  • 3 cohorts x 3 Grades x 12 drills = 108.
  • If your child is home and their grade has a drill, they will lose 10 minutes of class. This is a good time for them to go off screen, use the bathroom, work independently, stretch, or grab a snack.
  • Yes, we can only follow the NYC DOE rules and practice being safe!

With Respect,

Jacqui and Katie