Originally delivered on 12/4/2020 4:02 pm

SUBJECT: Jacqui's Family Letter | Dec. 4

December 4, 2020

Dear Families,

Here we all are bonding over the anticipation of WHAT IS GOING ON? While we don't have all the answers, there are actually quite a few things we do know:

  • Our staff feels the transition to fully remote was seamless.

  • We have instituted a multi-layered support system to help your children solve technology/zoom issues and to also connect with students who are missing classes or school work.

  • MORTON DAY is coming in December to build community in our classes.

  • It is still warm enough to eat outside.

My husband David and I often talk about how we would have handled parenting our three daughters - now in their 20s - if they were in middle school during this pandemic. The consensus? We would have been disastrously bad - or maybe not? I asked my daughters.

Jordan: “All of us at home? Nope. Don’t even think about it.”

Edy: “I would have gone to Grandma. Forget it.”

Maxine: “ Daddy’s bad jokes all day?”

So there you have it. While I keep pushing the message of KINDNESS, please know we are aware of how hard this is for all of you. Teamwork is our only choice. Let’s keep that goal in mind.

With Respect,




We loved the JAVAs this week! I had hoped to do them weekly. That was a dream, but we will do them monthly and when possible, more often. We asked families to share Pandemic Parenting tips:

  • Remote school should resemble “real” school - phones are turned off during school. Put your child’s phones away (or use a setting that certain apps are off during specific hours). If you want, allow ‘chats’ in between classes to mimic your child talking to friends moving classroom to classroom.

  • Read books together or listen to an audio book.

  • Don’t worry about going onto your child’s Google Classroom to find out what they are learning. Ask your child. Ask open ended questions (see list below.) Better yet, take a walk around the block with your child after school (you can pretend you are picking them up) and have a conversation about how their day was.

  • Don’t hover. And please remember that loud TV’s, noisy conversations, and walking by your child's zoom classes a lot is distracting for your child and their whole class.

  • Many, many families are struggling with too much screen time after classes. Parents suggested using the screen time settings on your iPhone and the app Our Pact. Both will help your and your student see just how much time they are spending on their screens (eye-opening!) and will give you the ability to put time limits on them.


While we are still waiting for direction from the DOE as to what the high school process will look like this year, 8th grade families should be checking the high school page of our website regularly. More and more schools are posting information about virtual tours and “open houses” which we are sharing here as soon as we get them! Remember, it’s your responsibility to research schools that would be a good fit for your child. Take advantage of the opportunity to get to know the schools without having to worry about admissions criteria - all in the comfort of your own home.


The NYC DOE has mandated that all students and adults MUST submit a signed COVID Testing Consent Form. In order for your child to return to in-person learning, you must submit the consent form for in-school COVID-19 testing by the first day your child returns to their school building. Here’s the link https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-year-20-21/return-to-school-2020/health-and-safety/covid-19-testing

  • Even if you have previously signed a paper form and/or signed the consent online, please submit the form again.

  • Remember, per the DOE, if you would like your child to remain in BLENDED learning your child must have a consent form. If you do not sign a consent form your child will not be allowed in the school building and will be switched 100% REMOTE learning.


  • If you need internet service, please fill out this form for a NYC DOE iPad with WiFi. 

  • If your child is currently not using a laptop/PC to do their school work, please please email Valerie@75Morton.org or Fish@75morton.org for a Chromebook.


  • Going easy on your kids can help reduce their stress levels as well as your own.

  • Join forces with other parents. Reach out safely or via phone, email, or social media and exchange tips for keeping kids focused and engaged.

  • Connect with your child’s teacher. Remember, they’re also getting through this by trial and error.

  • Create a learning routine. A routine gives kids a sense of normalcy during an otherwise uncertain time.

  • Set goals—and celebrate their completion. Since so much has been stripped from our everyday lives, having something to look forward to can help kids stay motivated.


  1. Tell me about the best part of your day.

  2. What was the hardest thing you had to do today?

  3. What is one funny thing your teacher or one of your classmates did today?

  4. Tell me about what you read in class.

  5. Tell me about one subject that you think is too easy or too hard?

  6. What's the biggest difference between this year and last year?

  7. Show me one thing you learned (or did) today?