Originally delivered on 4/14/2021 7:11 pm

SUBJECT: Jacqui's Family Letter (Including Details about ELA Tests) | Apr. 14

April 14, 2021

Dear Families,

We have made, remade, re-remade our Testing Plans. Please continue reading so you know the schedule and what to expect next week. Our goal is to continue with instruction as much as possible. This is a very complicated task but we think that we have made a terrific plan. We will be administering the ELA State tests on April 20-23 to students who signed up to take the test.

Some of you have asked us how the test score will be used next year. We have no idea and we have asked many people in the DOE the same question. Will a student be penalized for not taking the test? We do not believe so, but we cannot say anything definitively. Will the scores be used for high schools? We don't know. It is frustrating and we share your frustration. If you have questions, please email us at info@75Morton.org.

On another note, I hope you were able to read the wonderful article in the New York Times, Parents, Stop Talking About the ‘Lost Year’I found myself reading and rereading the article. The writer clearly states that our middle school children are more resilient than we realize, and will be okay. She adds that adults who can model resilience are important for our children. Towards the end, she is reassuring that additional screen time is a way to socialize, and while worrisome, not the worst part of the pandemic. This article is about HOPE. It is about looking at your children for the strengths they have developed, for the reasons you can be proud, and for the confidence you can give them for moving forward.

With Respect,


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