April 29, 2021
Dear Families,
Ilene and I walk the building every morning to pop in and say hi to students and staff. This morning, we walked into a 6th grade class and did our usual, “How are you all today?” A student turned to us and said with great enthusiasm, “We are going to the yard today!” It was a perfect moment when suddenly, in the most poignant way, this student’s comment summed up the past 14 months perfectly. The tiniest things we once took for granted are suddenly larger than life. Our capacity to appreciate the small and routine things has no dimension.
We can, as always, learn so much by watching our children. The ways they are navigating this pandemic and all that has changed, are both reflections of our behaviors but also very revealing of their age. We often write our social studies and literacy curricula with opportunities for students to hold up a MIRROR - to see themselves in stories and historical events; and to look out a WINDOW where students can develop understandings of the wonders of the world. Our children are our mirrors and windows. When that student told us how wonderful it was to have yard time- Ilene and I were immediately reminded of pure joy, expectation, and how yard time can make a day better because there just has not been enough of play these last months. That student was our window- giving us a clear vision of what children want and need, and a mirror because we too want play time!
I hope you also have these moments at home as you are learning from your children.
Finally, a 75 Morton parent, Liz Gumbinner (mom of Sage in 8th grade) has a Podcast called COOL MOM PICKS. Liz interviewed Judith Warner, author of the article I sent out last week. Interesting little tidbit. The article was first titled, Stop Calling It a Lost Year., and was changed to How To Help Your Adolescent Think About The Last Year, due to irate responses! The podcast is here: https://coolmompicks.com/blog/2021/04/21/judith-warner-adolescents-and-pandemic/. Enjoy! And thanks for sending Liz!
With Respect,
State Math Tests
Tests will be administered to 6th and 7th students who opted-in to take them. Click here for the testing schedule. All other students will follow their regular school schedule.
Regents Presentation - Thursday, May 6 at 10am
All 8th grade parents are encouraged to attend a presentation on May 6 about the Regents exams scheduled to take place June. We will provide you with information to help you make an informed decision whether or not your student should take the Regents. Register for the zoom link here.
Unsilencing the Fear of Racism...An Open Conversation continued - Monday, May 17 at 10am
We are continuing our series of conversations about race for 75 Morton parents and guardians Under the guidance of Renee Blake and Kenneth Saunders, participants will explore and examine feelings about the multiple reasons for silence around the discussions of race and racism, and ways to open spaces of sharing for all. Whether you choose to actively participate or just listen I hope you will attend. Click here to register the zoom link.