Originally delivered on 1/28/2024 7:00 am

SUBJECT: 75 Morton PTA Newsletter - 1/28/2024

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Dear 75 Morton Parents, 

We hope your January is off to a good start. There are 2 upcoming events also noted in Hope Flamm's weekly newsletter that we wanted to share:

Wednesday, January 31st, 9am, Zoom:

Coffee Talk with Hope and Sean Grover

Please join us for a discussion about Bullying.  Child and Family Psychologist Sean Grover will discuss how to talk with your children about bullying.  Zoom link HERE

Friday, February 2, 9am, Zoom

Parent Workshop with Uplift Communities: Hate Speech and How it Effects Community Wellness.  Zoom link HERE

Also as mentioned last week, the 8th Grade Snow Ball is Friday, February 9th from 5:30-7:30pm and we still need volunteers! See below for more details!

Chat Group

Join an informal Whatsapp Group by Grade to use as a resource for information and support. This communication group is not managed or affiliated with 75 Morton's administration or PTA. 

8th Grade - JOIN HERE

7th Grade - JOIN HERE

6th Grade - JOIN HERE

Go Thunderbolts!

Congrats to our Junior Varsity basketball athletes for playing TWO hard fought games this past week. That is a wrap on the girl's regular season - the boys have one more game next week. The playoff schedules should be announced soon.

Congrats also to our Varsity basketball teams for their games against Quest last week - these athletes are resting up for THREE games next week! 

The table tennis match that was scheduled for Tuesday 1/23 was postponed to next week, details below.

Cheer our teams on for these upcoming games!

Monday, January 29 - VARSITY BASKETBALL

-4pm: Girls Varsity vs. SOF @ 75 Morton Gym

-5pm: Boys Varsity vs. SOF @ 75 Morton Gym


-4:30pm: Boys JV vs. Quest @ Quest


Wednesday, January 31 - TABLE TENNIS (rescheduled match)

-4pm vs. 276 @ 75 Morton Cafeteria

Wednesday, January 31 - VARSITY BASKETBALL

-4pm: Girls Varsity vs. 276 @ 75 Morton Gym

-5pm: Boys Varsity vs. 276 @ 75 Morton Gym

Friday, February 2 - VARSITY BASKETBALL

-4pm: Girls Varsity vs. Clinton @ 75 Morton Gym

-5pm: Boys Varsity vs. Clinton @ 75 Morton Gym

Career Day
Save the Date: March 22, 2024

7th Annual Career Day at 75 Morton

We hope to spark student interest in future fields of work, develop mentorships and possible future internships. Please join us to inspire our students! We are looking for representatives from a huge variety of career possibilities: engineers, artists, technologists, musicians, athletes, business leaders, writers, doctors, lawyers, contractors, architects- variety! 

If you would like to learn more about volunteering to be a guest speaker for this event, or know someone who might, please click HERE

Valerie Boos-Barrett

Career Day Organizer careerday@75morton.org

75 Morton Auction
Save the Date: April 12th Annual Auction

Our annual event where we come together for an adult-only night of drinks, food and dancing to raise money for our school and celebrate our community. 

In order to raise money for this event we need donated items for us to auction! Please help by asking your favorite restaurant, salon, store or gym if they can support our school by providing a tax deductible donation of goods or services. The more items donated, the more money we can raise. 



Join our planning team by emailing pta@75morton.org. We'd love to have you!

2024 Yearbook

If have any pictures taken at school or school events to include in the yearbook, email them to yearbook@75morton.org or send them to the yearbook event album addresses here: YEARBOOK.

8th Grade Corner

Snow Ball - February 9th, 5:30-7:30PM

Snow Ball is just three weeks away!  School chef, DJ Manny, will be spinning tunes on stage in our gymatorium while kids enjoy pizza, snacks, the dance floor & photobooth. 

Make sure to fill out the PERMISSION FORM NOW for your child to attend. Deadline Feb 7th. 

Volunteers needed to help transform the gym into a winter wonderland. Please sign up to help HERE. We need lots of help! 

Graduation Dues

Please submit your payment towards the cost of graduation HERE


Please indicate how you want your graduate's name to appear on the diploma & yearbook HERE. Enter the size of the graduation gown and class T-shirt size HERE

Upcoming events

Snow Ball - February 9th

Class Trip - June 18th

Graduation Ceremony - June 24th

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Volunteers Wanted: Please email pta@75morton.org if you can volunteer for any of these positions or if you are interested in helping in any other way!

  • English-to-Spanish translators
  • Tech Help/Hybrid Meeting Support 
  • Auction and Party planners
  • Architect to assist in play yard design 

Donate:  Please help support the school by donating to the PTA Family Giving Drive

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