Originally delivered on 4/7/2020 3:31 pm

SUBJECT: Remote Learning | April 9 through April 17


April 7, 2020

Dear Families,

Every time we sit down to write a letter, there is more news. And the minute we press “Send” there is more news. Wow. Although there are so many emails - we are enjoying all of this contact with you!!!

Here is the LATEST:

  • School will continue April 9 through April 17 - there will be no Spring Recess.
  • Remote learning is definitely extended through April 29.
  • The Algebra 1 and Living Environment Regents are reported to have been cancelled, but we do not have official confirmation from the NYCDOE.
  • ZOOM is out, Google Meets is in.
  • As per the DOE, student attendance has 2 settings at the moment - this may change - they are PRESENT or ABSENT.
  • Your guess is probably better than mine…. It has become somewhat of a contest - how quickly people text, email, and call us with the NEWS. And we just make everyone feel like they are the FIRST to tell us! Why not? Everyone likes to get the scoop.

Here is the 75 Morton plan for April 9 through April 17:

  • We are using April 9 and 10 as make-up/catch-up days. We adore your children, really we do, but some of them are still adjusting to ALL OF THIS. Just like we are all learning to adjust. The unexpected gifts of Thursday and Friday are specifically designed to give all students a chance to catch up on missing assignments. For those students who are caught up on their assignments, teachers will post optional work on their Google Classrooms. If a teacher is absent to observe the holidays, there will be a posting on the teacher’s page.
  • April 13 through April 17 has been a joy to plan. The teachers have been eyeing so many online resources and virtual experiences and are now able to thoughtfully present options. In the letter below, which you will also receive from your child’s Advisor (yes - you have two opportunities to read and enjoy), you will find that the week will be turned over to our Specialists Department, and each day a different CORE subject will offer experiences for your children. Your children still begin the day with attendance and will end the day with a Google Form reflection that is posted on the teacher’s Google Classroom page. Teachers will be checking the forms but also PLANNING all week. They are looking ahead to the month of April, and prudently thinking into May...they are PLANNING.

More importantly, we wish you all calm. We hope that Thursday and Friday are times of not just catching up on work, but also, for spending time as a family - celebrating the religious holidays, stopping to appreciate what being close can do for all of us, and for staying in and keeping healthy. We are here for you - please reach out if there is any crisis and let us find resources for you. 75 Morton is a community first, and we care about each and every one of you.

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

With Respect,





Dear Advisory Families, 

We hope you are doing well and continuing to stay healthy.  We appreciate your patience as we continually create and modify remote learning curriculum to better support your child.  For the upcoming week of April 13, we have created a special week of learning that focuses on the arts, physical education, and content-focused virtual field trips.  We have designed this week with the intention of providing some structured activities for your child to engage in while also allowing you and your child to recharge during this time.  This week will also focus on community building within our advisory, and all activities for this week will be communicated through myself via our advisory Google Classroom page.  

Below is an overview of what you and your child can expect:

  • Attendance - Your child should still check in with their advisor prior to 10AM every day. 
  • Advisory - We will have online meetings on Monday and Friday to share our experiences and have some fun together. 
  • Virtual Field Trips - Each day, a content area will provide options for a virtual field trip.  For example, Monday, April 13 will be a selection of ELA virtual field trips. Your child should choose one, though they are welcome to “attend” as many virtual field trips as they like!  They should then complete the virtual field trip reflection form posted by their advisor.
  • Physical Education - Your child should engage in a P.E. assignment at least 3 days during this week.  It does not matter which P.E. teacher they had prior to remote learning - they can explore all activities!
  • Arts (6th) - Your child will be asked to complete a project in Art, Music and Drama. 
  • Arts (7th & 8th) - Your child will be asked to complete a project related to their Major. 




75 Morton | MS 297



New York, NY 10014