Originally delivered on 7/6/2020 5:20 pm

SUBJECT: Jacqui's Summer Letter #1 | Jul. 6


Summer Letter #1


Monday, July 6, 2020 

Dear Families,

It has been less than two weeks and here we are - It's time to share! I have labeled this “Summer Letter #1” so you can keep track of the news as it comes in.

I am assuming that many of you read the Chalkbeat article that came out last week.  Although it contains a lot of information, it describes only part of the story, which continues to unfold. But yes, the upshot is that families will be given the option to choose Remote Learning as opposed to coming to the school building for a few days a week.

We are starting our planning this week, and I have to say that we expect the plans will shift each day in both micro and macro ways as we get more information and explore potential problems and solutions.

The NYC DOE is emphasizing the following “Key Tenets” for planning:

  1. Promoting behaviors that reduce the spread of COVID19
  2. Maintaining healthy environments
  3. Maintaining healthy operations
  4. Preparing for when someone gets sick

Our first steps will be to:

  1. Determine the usable space in the school building and how many students we can accommodate on a daily basis. As of now there will be nine students and one adult in a “pod” and this pod will most likely be together all day.
  2. Create a schedule that includes synchronous* and asynchronous** teaching.
  3. Plan for safe arrivals and dismissals and reduced movement around the building.

*In synchronous learning, your child participates in lessons with their teacher and classmates during a scheduled time.

**In asynchronous learning, your child participates in lessons during a time they choose

Our Job

Your Job

To keep you informed

To keep up with emails and news

To expect and do our best to deal with many changes throughout the process

To be patient and to trust us

To keep safety paramount

To expect our plans to be focused on safety

To follow the guidance of the NYC DOE

To understand where we (the 75 Morton administration) do and do not have choices 

To think deeply about the social/emotional needs of our students

To let us know what social/emotional support your child and family needs

To create  engaging curricula in all content areas (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) with clear expectations

To support your children to meet our expectations

To do even better in the fall with all that we learned in the spring

To let us know (kindly and clearly) how we are doing

To ask for help

To offer help

To know we can do this with the 75 Morton community

To be an active and engaged  member of the 75 Morton community

And now we get to work!  


With Respect,

Jacqui and Katie




75 Morton | MS 297



New York, NY 10014